Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Title: "Transformed"
Medium: 18" x 24"
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas

 The intercession of God’s Spirit is manifested in creation and also in humanity. Creation is being renovated but also that renovation influences humanity because of God’s Spirit. Sin, adoption, redemption, promise, slavery, corruption, freedom and hope are some of the images that help us to understand the manifestation of God in relation to creation and the renewal of humanity. 
Romans 8:19-27 is a passage in which Paul expresses his word of consolation to Christian believers. This passage illustrates the transformation of creation and humanity before God’s Spirit. 

This project is focused on the children and on a new concept from the child’s perspective. This involves all the senses of human beings: hearing, seeing, touching, and smell.

These will have three parts:
1)    Smelling the transformation: The children are going to sit in a circle and they will pass a seed to each other and they will smell it. In the middle of the circle is going to be a flower. After they finish smelling the seed they will smell the flower. After this they will talk about transformation.
2)    Seeing and recognizing the transformation: The children are going to see the painting, they are going to talk about the colors, what they are seeing, which elements are present, the protagonist, objects and the children will have a new concept of transformation.
3)    Recreational: In this moment the children will hear the melody of the song “New Moment” The children will make a circle holding hands and moving around.
4)    The final objective will be that the children perceive that the transformation is not just in what we perceive or see, but that the transformation includes human beings.

Explanation of the painting:

The painting has a light in the right hand, signifying the Spirit of God. In the center there are two male and two females figures but they are the same person. Both female and male figures are facing to the right and to the left in a shared space. The human figures are above a bowl of bread but the pieces of bread have different colors meaning the world is in a process of transformation and is also being transformed into new life.
All the main elements are above the table meaning that they have to be strong, they need to have a solid faith as a way to continue having hope in the process of transformation and being transformed.
The colors are vivid because there is hope but also there are some dark colors as a reminder that humanity had to suffer in order to appreciate the meaning of salvation.